Recherche na find sur Linux
Using the ‘find’ command with Linux - Simple Help
Efa elaela ihany aho no nitady an’ity fomba fampiasana find @ linux ity. Fa androany aho vao nahita t@ article nomen’i Simplehelp.
Toa tsotsotra tsy araka ny nieritreretako azy akory ilay iz. Mila fahazarana ihany koa ny fampiasana azy. Sur ligne de command moa no fampiasana ny find, fa mino aho fa misy GUI koa any ho any ahafahana manao ny find. Rehefa mahita anzay aho na koa ianreo dia mba ilazao ny tanà na.
Raha fintiniko dia toy izao no fam:piasana azy
# find [where to search] [criteria]
A simple example of its usage is:
# find -name “*.txtâ€
# find -mmin –45
# find -mmin +15 -mmin –25
# find -maxdepth 2 -name “*.txtâ€
# find -name “*.txt†> /tmp/search.log